Ortiz León arquitectos obtains Great Place to Work Certification
This is the most prestigious national and international recognition in the field of people management and business strategy, which is awarded annually to the best employers in the world.
Madrid, September 11, 2023 – Ortiz León arquitectos, a company belonging to the professional architectural services sector, has achieved certification as a Great Place to Work, awarded by the Great Place to Work® consulting firm, a leader in the identification and certification of Excellent Places to Work.
Following a diagnosis of the organizational environment, including a global employee questionnaire, the company has obtained this certification, which certifies that Ortiz León arquitectos is an organization with a high-trust culture, capable of attracting and retaining talent.
Specifically, the results of the survey reveal the special valuation that its professionals make of their bosses and colleagues, their work space as well as the facilities for family reconciliation, among other issues. The interdisciplinary and international working environment is also highly valued.
Among the main HR strategies implemented by the management is its work to build trust, empathy and communication.
For Enrique León and Iñigo Ortiz, founding CEOs of Ortiz León arquitectos “This certification is for us a great reward for the work done during 40 years of experience. In addition, it gives a well-deserved recognition to the effort that our successors have made to promote the firm and make more coherent, if possible, the idea that we have of architecture with the space and the environment that we offer to our employees and our clients”. “Today we feel proud because this recognition endorses our effort to continue with the growth of the company in an organic way, supporting our workers to grow and develop with us,” explain Gonzalo Echarri and Miguel de León, the new directors of Ortiz León arquitectos.
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