Title The UNE 166002 RDI certification is a key recognition that guarantees that an organization efficiently manages its research, development and innovation activities.
Body For an architectural firm, this certification implies the implementation of a system that promotes continuous improvement in design, construction and sustainability processes. It means that the studio adapts to new technologies, innovative methodologies and creative solutions that respond to the current demands of the sector, such as energy efficiency and emissions reduction.
Being UNE 166002 certified not only strengthens competitiveness in the market, but also increases the confidence of clients, collaborators and investors, who value a rigorous and systematic approach to innovation. It also positions the firm at the forefront of the sector, capable of developing projects that are more sustainable, efficient and aligned with the global challenges of decarbonization and responsible urban planning.
This certification reflects our commitment to excellence and continuous innovation, facilitating the development of more sustainable and efficient projects, contributing to a better future for cities and the environment.
El hormigón ha sido la piedra angular de la infraestructura humana durante siglos, pero su impacto ambiental plantea un desafío urgente. A medida que el sector de la construcción se enfrenta a la descarbonización, la innovación
Concrete has been the cornerstone of human infrastructure for centuries, but its environmental impact poses an urgent challenge. As the construction sector faces decarbonization, innovation in materials, processes and technologies is redefining its role in sustainability.