OL Participates one more year in the CTBUH international conferences

One of the sessions at the Barbican Centre in London.

We recently attended, as we do every year, the annual CTBUH(Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) conference, this time in London and Paris with a focus on “New or Renew”.

It is really interesting to learn first-hand from their leaders about the future of cities such as Singapore, Toronto, London or New York, as well as to highlight the innovative solutions presented in the field of timber construction.

There is so much to be done in areas such as decarbonization and innovation, which are our main focuses when thinking, as architects, about the best strategy in the new or renew dilemma. We want to continue to be leaders of change in repositioning and new sustainable strategies.

Thanks to Antony Wood, Ph.D and Francisco Javier Quintana de Uña (and your team) as organizers for another year of this fantastic Think Tank of top professionals!

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