Monumental trees in urban environments are much more than decorative elements; they represent the perfect integration of nature, history and sustainability. Over time, these colossal living figures have not only transformed urban landscapes, but have also influenced ecology and human well-being. This report explores how large trees in cities function as guardians of environmental balance, cultural symbols and drivers of emotional connection. With emblematic examples from around the world, their role in shaping more liveable, resilient and healthy spaces for people and urban communities is analysed.
El hormigón ha sido la piedra angular de la infraestructura humana durante siglos, pero su impacto ambiental plantea un desafío urgente. A medida que el sector de la construcción se enfrenta a la descarbonización, la innovación
Concrete has been the cornerstone of human infrastructure for centuries, but its environmental impact poses an urgent challenge. As the construction sector faces decarbonization, innovation in materials, processes and technologies is redefining its role in sustainability.